Monday, April 16, 2007

Lying is Bad

Lying is Bad - Um-Kay?


I met my girlfriend online and we've been together for about 3 months (we're both in our 30's.) When we first started going out, I was dating another girl from online too. I was not attracted to this other girl romantically but thought she could be a friend. The problem is I lied to my girlfriend several times when I hung out with this other girl because I didn't want my girlfriend to worry. I never crossed the line with this other girl. A week ago, somehow my girlfriend found out about my lies and was very upset, she couldn't understand how you can lie to someone you love. She said she couldn't trust me any more and thinks we should break up. I admitted my bad judgment and repeatedly apologized for my mistake and promised it will never happen again. I asked her to give us one more try but she said she feels more comfortable to be my friend.

I insisted on seeing her and talk about it. She said she needs more time to get over this and reluctantly agreed to see me in one month. She's not local so I'm flying to see her next month. She made it clear that she wants me to stay in her basement and not with her. Do you think I still have a chance to save the relationship? I don't know whether she agreed to see me to deliver the breakup message more clearly or she still hasn't decided about us. It's been 2 weeks and she's not taking my calls and only communicates occasionally with me through email. I love her so much and everything has been perfect if it were not for the lies. I think she may be particularly sensitive to this because her ex was seeing another girl and lied to her which led to their breakup. I understand she may feel like she cannot believe anything I said to her before anymore. What should I do now? What can I say or do to make her trust me again? Is her behavior (avoiding me, not calling me, etc.) a gradual way to shut me out of her life or she really hasn't decided what to do? Please help. She means everything to me. I believe she loves me too.


Oh man - what the hell????

My brother, you've made a total mess out of this! This isn't about "trust" at all! You're going in the wrong direction here completely. Unfortunately, your girlfriend is walking all over you in stiletto heels and you're helping her keep her balance!!

I promise that I'm not going to pound on you for this entire response, but you need to see what you're doing wrong here and get it fixed right away:

1) You have a long-distance relationship ("LDR"). This alone may be enough to totally kill off anything. LDR's NEVER work out!! Are you trying to tell me that you can't find a great girl right there in your own backyard and that you could only find someone an airplane's ride away? That's absurd!

2) You've lied. Big fucking deal!!! Do you honestly believe that she hasn't lied to you? Let me be clear here: yes, absolutely, positively, she has lied to you about something. I don't know what that is and I don't care; nor am I going to go into all the facts and research about this, but trust me, you've been lied to as well. EVERYBODY lies! If they claim that they haven't, they're lying to you!!!

Worse yet, you lied to protect her feelings over nothing! You knew she wouldn't be able to handle your female friend and simply tried to protect her! Her actions make it obvious that she couldn't handle the truth, but somehow YOU think that YOU'RE the one in the wrong here! No, you are NOT in the wrong here. She is!

Ok, lying is bad, ("ummm-kay??") I'm sure your mother wouldn't approve, but she wouldn't disown you either! This girl is holding your feet to the fire as though you're a serial killer or something! Worse part: you're helping her to do it! Put your shoes back on, big guy!

3) She's using the lying as a "trust issue". It's not, and here's why: it's just a convenient "Test" for her. I talk about "The Test" in my first and second books. You need to understand what The Test is and how to handle it. You DON'T handle it by just rolling over and taking a beating! You handle it by dealing with it as the Test that it is - it's nothing more than misdirection, pure and simple.

4) She set up the rules and you're acting like a whipped little puppy trying to jump through hoops in order to make up for your own guilt. She pulls the "friends" crap on you, tells you that you have to sleep in the basement, won't take your phone calls (all of which is just pure abuse) and you're going back for more!

Damn it! Stop this crap right now! It's time to man-up and end all this abuse. Is this treatment really the relationship you've always dreamed of? Is this really all you think you deserve? You've only been seeing her (long-distance, I might add) for 3 months! Now you feel guilt and remorse (totally out of proportion by the way) and are just acting like a scared little boy.

Here's what you need to do; and I just hope to God you do it:

First, call her up and don't worry if she picks up or not. If it goes to voice mail, all the better! Just say:

"Hey, it's me. Don't clean up the basement, I'm not going to be there in a month. If you want to deal with this, get your ass on the next flight and get over here yourself. I'm not your 'buddy' or your 'friend' or your 'whipping boy' any longer - and I'm never going to be. I'm your boyfriend and I expect you to treat me with that consideration and respect."

"I'm tired of this emotional abuse you're trying to inflict on me. Frankly, it's despicable and I held you in much higher regard than this, but obviously, you're proving me wrong. I don't need an abuser in my life - I want a caring, loving girlfriend and I won't settle for anything less."

Don't ask her to call you back - and don't worry if she doesn't! Frankly, I sincerely doubt she won't, but that's not really the point here.

Nobody (even a so called "girlfriend") is going to treat you with respect if you don't believe you deserve it. Here was a case where you did almost NOTHING wrong (except a little, white lie in order to protect her feelings) and she just jumped on it like a hungry wolf would a chicken. Then, you compounded the problem rather than ending it before it got blown up out of proportion and now you're scared of losing a girlfriend.

She's not going to love you or trust you or care about you until you do these things yourself - for yourself. If she's "over the edge" in her own rage that's NOT your problem! That's HER problem and she's going to lose a great guy that just learned a valuable lesson about women and relationships.

Best regards...
Have a love, dating, relationship, sex or man/woman question? You can write to me by going to: for answers. For more information about my books, "Being a Man in a Woman's Worldtm" (volumes I and II), and other products visit: Check out the discussion group at:

Copyright (c) 2007, Dr. Dennis W. Neder
All rights reserved.

Girl's: Learn How to Say Yes!

Girls: Learn How To Say "Yes"!

Hello Dr. Neder:

This guy in my class has been flirting with me all semester. When he first approached me I was reading on the grass. He introduced himself to me, mentioned that we were in class together and sat down and started talking to me. Some small talk (mostly him asking questions about myself) was followed by him inviting me to join him for coffee in the student center, but I declined because I didn't know him that well nor did I know whether or not I liked him.

As the semester has gone on I've gotten to feel a lot more comfortable around him and now I would like to go out with him. Only problem is, he hasn't asked me again! I waited and waited for him to ask and nothing. I thought back to whether or not I gave him the right signals. I would say I was receptive to what he did (smiled when he smiled, answered when he spoke or asked me questions about myself), but it was rare that I initiated anything except a couple of goodbyes after class was over. I have to admit I did play hot/cold a couple of times however, the guys I talked to say when a girl you like is receptive to any of your advances that is usually enough to move things forward. Part of me thinks he was too subtle and I only see him in class so he would have an audience of our classmates as well as my girlfriends if he asked me again. That is probably what is stopping him.

The last day of class is coming up soon. I've thought about offering him my phone number, but I think a few things are stopping me and I want to get your opinion/thoughts from a guy's view on each of them.

1) If a guy is interested in you he will ask you out. Since this guy hasn't asked me for my phone number or brought up going out again, maybe he isn't interested enough and just likes flirting.

2) I'm going to come across as desperate or too aggressive if I offer him my number. Usually the guy is the one to come after me and it is rare that I would offer my number without him asking. I almost feel like that puts me in the pursuer role and I don't know how comfortable I am with that.

3) I'm not really sure how to even approach the topic. Should I say something about the coffee offer (that was almost 2 months ago) or should I just write my digits on a piece of paper and hand it to him? I don't want to go into a big speech and the least words the better because I feel like we have an audience (the class). This is hard enough to do without an audience (if I decided to do it).

Any thoughts, opinions, or advice you can give me would be beneficial. Again, my class meets in two days for the last time and I either need to get brave or bag it for good.


How well do you have to know someone - or know that you like them - in order to have coffee with them??? That is sure an odd "standard" indeed! In fact, you should use the exact opposite approach. Only turn down coffee if you absolutely DO NOT like someone - not when you don't know! Otherwise, how else will you find out if you like them or not?

Further, what in the hell is with this game of hot/cold? Yes, I know that you girls somehow think this will make or keep a guy's interest, but as a guy I'm here to tell you this simply makes us want to find someone - anyone - else! Trust me on this one: I don't care what your guy-friends have told you, this IS NOT enough! Why would some guy constantly risk rejection from you? Answer: they won't.

Now, guess what? You've created a situation where he's not going to ask you out - even if you really turn on the interest! Great job if you want to stay single the rest of your life! What this really means now is that YOU are going to have to do the work instead of letting him do it if you really want to see this guy outside of class!

Let me now answer your specific questions:

1) This guy DID ask you out - he invited you to coffee! You said "no" (because of some dumb rule about "liking him before drinking coffee in his presence".) You should have taken him up on it then.

2) You're so worried about looking desperate and agressive that you don't even look available! As I said before, this "hot/cold" game constantly works against you girls, but you do it anyway. Is this something you read in Cosmo or something? Remember: those mags are written by WOMEN, not men! If you want to know what a man thinks, ask one (oh wait - you DID - you're asking me!)

3) The only reason you now have to be "brave" is because you blew it originally! I hope you take this away as a lesson. Stop playing the games already! Just be upfront and a little brave. Your social life will only improve because of it.

What you need to do immediately is to go up to him (forget the coffee incident) and say, "Here's my number. I hope you'll call me after finals so we can get together."

I know, I know, this is a lot more difficult than if you'd just have said, "yes" in the beginning - right?

Best regards...
Have a love, dating, relationship, sex or man/woman question? You can write to me by going to: for answers. For more information about my books, "Being a Man in a Woman's Worldtm" (volumes I and II), and other products visit: Check out the discussion group at:

Copyright (c) 2007, Dr. Dennis W. Neder
All rights reserved.